The nights are getting cooler and the skies are turning gray here in the Pacific Northwest. Fall means time to pull out the sweaters and think about preparing your home for the colder months ahead. Here are some good tips that we could all benefit from this time of year.

Clean the gutters. Removing debris that can clog the gutters and downspouts can keep water from seeping into your home. Check out this post we did on gutter cleaning last year and get a heads up on that project before the rain is here to stay.

Find any leaks and block them. Check out the most common possible draft areas first like windows and doors and then look into other potential leaks like recessed lighting and electrical outlets. Even tiny gaps can mean heat and money lost. Use weather stripping, caulk or masonry sealers where appropriate to stop the leaks and seal things up.

Check insulation. Take a look in the attic. If you can see the ceiling joists, you need more insulation. Attic insulation should be at least 12 inches, so if you need more, add it yourself or hire someone to come in and do it for you. It is money well spent and this is one investment with a quick return.

Reverse the fan. If you use a ceiling fan, now is the time to reverse the direction of the blades so they are turning clockwise. This will push warm air downward, forcing it to recirculate, keeping you more comfortable.

Upgrade your heating system. This may be a bigger investment, but one that is well worth it in terms of saving money and staying more comfortable. Currently, a ductless heat pump is one of the most efficient systems a home can have, providing both heat in the winter and cooling in the summer. Check out this data. Upgrading your old system to a newer, more efficient ductless heat pump system could save you 50% or more on your current heating bills and many of our customers report saving even more.

Call us today to find out more information about installing a new ductless heat pump system in your home or business and follow these other tips to have a fantastic Fall!

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