Does Ductless Heating & Cooling Improve Indoor Air Quality?

Home should be a safe haven. Indoor air quality should never be compromised – and most definitely not during Northwest Washington’s smoke season! Clean air inside the home is essential for everyone, especially those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Thankfully, due to the lack of ductwork and the circulation of indoor air only, without pulling air from the outdoors, ductless heating and cooling systems are beneficial for many reasons. Here, we’ll talk about how air quality affects the body and why ductless is helpful for us all.

How does indoor air quality affect the respiratory system?

When we think of air quality, our minds tend to go to pollution, smoke, and emissions. All of these are toxic and have an effect on us when we’re outside. Did you know that due to modern construction methods, the inside of your home is far more toxic than the outdoors? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a typical, healthy person spends 90% of their time indoors. Those with seasonal allergies spend even greater periods inside the home, where pollution can be more concentrated than outdoors.

Without a proper indoor ventilation system, it’s easy to breathe in indoor contaminants like pollen, dust mites, pet dander, mold, bacteria, viruses, and other germs. Even worse, carbon monoxide, lead, asbestos, pesticides, and even particles from the fumes of household cleaners are among the pollutants inside your home. The impact of poor indoor air quality on the respiratory system differs according to the amount of time exposed to these contaminants. Irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat may start immediately, while headaches, dizziness, and fatigue may become present within a few hours or days. The long-term effects of living in a home with poor indoor air quality could be as severe as respiratory or heart diseases and even cancer. 

How can we improve the quality of our air? 

There are many ways to improve your indoor air quality. Some things you can do around the home include: 

  • If you have a traditional HVAC system, replace any filters within the specified timeframe (usually every 30-90 days). (If you have a traditional HVAC system). Traditional HVAC systems typically contain ductwork throughout the home, which over time can build up dust and pollen. Each time the system kicks on, that dust and pollen carries throughout the home.
  • If you already have a ductless system, clean the filter each month. 
  • Utilize the vent while cooking 
  • Clean your rugs and carpet frequently 
  • Monitor the humidity level in your home to ensure it stays between 30-60% throughout the year. When humidity is too low, dry air exacerbates respiratory conditions. High humidity creates a nursery environment for harmful microorganisms to live and grow. 
  • Invest in some Indoor plants. Not only do they brighten up a space, but they filter the air in a natural, cost-effective way. 

By spending time each month reducing indoor air pollutants, you can start to improve the quality of your indoor air. You can also consider investing in a ductless system for your home, as it does not pull any air from the outside, but circulates indoor air, allowing for cleaner air overall. 

Can going ductless help with air quality?

There are many benefits of using a ductless heating and cooling system and an add-on purifier in your home. A ductless system improves indoor air quality by absorbing dust, nasty odors, and a wide variety of airborne allergens. Without ductwork, indoor air won’t be contaminated by whatever is hiding in your air ducts. Additionally, a ductless system doesn’t pull air (and, with it, pollutants) from outside but instead utilizes the air already within the home. They’re also easy to clean, making maintenance a breeze and extending the long-term efficiency of your system. 

While air filtration and purification go hand-in-hand, they aren’t the same thing. A filter traps particles, but a purifier cleans the air by emitting something that neutralizes airborne toxins and odors. A ductless system alone will filter the air, but you can achieve optimal indoor air quality by adding a purifier. At Alpine Ductless, we offer a couple of purifier options: 

  1. An in-the-duct purifier that goes into the air handler of a traditional system and ducted system
  2. An add-on ductless purifier that is installed at the time of installation. 

If you’re interested in installing an air purifier along with your ductless installation, be sure to let us know in your free estimate request! 

Install a Ductless Mini-Split to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

If your indoor air quality isn’t as good as it should be, consider investing in a ductless system for your home or business. The circulation of indoor air will keep your space as a clean area, safer from exterior allergens and particles. Get a free estimate from Alpine Ductless today! 

Alpine Ductless is the premier ductless contractor in the pacific northwest, servicing the Northwest Washington state in Thurston, Pierce, Mason, Lewis and South King counties. 

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